Friday 31 August 2012

Current Affairs/ Social Concerns

'Not how things used to be'

In all news about crime, economy, employment etc. I always hear how this countries gone to the dogs, that we've past being a good nation now and things are worse now than ever. I think that this a very warped view of the past and that people are being way too influenced by what they are seeing on the news today in comparison to their biased, lying and glamourised recollection of the past that in reality was no better, and probably worse that things are today.

I am going to argue that everything is getting better and that the present day is the best time to live by finding evidence of what real life was like in the 'good old days'. 

Here are some answers given by American High School students when asked what decade they would like to live in and why...

"The 1830s because it was the time of new ideas and innovations."
"The 1940s because in that decade people were more encouraged to do well in life and be successful."
"The 1960s because there were a lot of awesome events and music, and we landed a man on the moon."
"I would pick the 1980s because of the music and all the great bands."
found from other sources:
"the 40s.  women had the best fucking clothes in the 40s."
"I think i'd like to live in the 80s so I can have a chance to go to all those concerts i missed being a kid in the 80s"
"They were simpler times"
"People used to play out, they don't anymore"
That's quite a range of dates I will start with these dates and find out how living in that time would be better than living now.

1830 - new ideas and innovations

The 1830's brought us the lawn mower, sewing machine and the revolver. So it must have been a blast cutting grass with your new clothes that you've just sewn together shooting a gun every step you take. Which may well have been the case if you were one of the wealthiest in the country but for the vast majority:

"It was a difficult time for many people, mostly poor people and women because they didnt have any legal rights. Women could not own property or vote, and poor people didnt have any legal protection, most lived in poverty, or lived in unsuitable conditions in work houses. Many familys that ended up in debt went to the work house, but they were split up. Children were made to work in dangerous conditions and many of them had no education. This time was just before the chartist movement, which campaigned for these people to have rights, so in political terms, everything was uneasy. This was a time when equality barely existed. But for the fortunate wealthy people, life couldn't be better, most had stately homes and country parks, were educated, fashionable etc... although they were worried about the unwealthy gaining the upper hand."

Read more:'s#ixzz22r43vqsd

Along with ridiculous amounts of slavery I think I'd give the 1830's a miss.

1940's because people were encouraged to be successful...

If you were living in the 1940s you would most probably be contributing to the war in someway or another, if being successful is defined as joining the army then that opportunity is still available today, go nuts. I don't think that living through the second World War needs much of an argument, it was a difficult time for everyone with a lot of death and destruction, even if the clothes are considered 'cool' today, they definitely wouldn't have been very 'cool' in the 40's when everyone was wearing them because nobody could afford any better.

The 1960's is firmly in everybody's head as a care free, simple time when there was only love and everything was good. Comparing that idea with the picture the media paint of today makes it seem even grimmer. The truth is that everything's the same as it always has been, if not better now and these beautiful and complimentary memories of the past are misleading to the people who have never lived through that time.

The answers from the people who have actually lived through these decades are the best:

"in the 60's i was a surfer chick who lived for the water and listened to the beatles and, of course, the beach boys.
things haven't changed much for me :)"

"I've already lived in the 60's, 70's, 80's, and 90's.  40's not a particularly good time to be Japanese American so I'd pass on the 40's.  50's not much better.  I think I'll stay in the present and look forward to the future. : )"

"Sheesh.  Lived in them all, including the 40's!  They were all good.  Still good.... :)"

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